KAYAN is proud to partner with blue cross and blue shield of kansas in be the spark!

In 2017, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas was looking for a way to promote a healthy lifestyle in Kansas residents. They found a perfect partnership with KAYAN! With the generosity of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, we are proud to offer Be The Spark!

We are excited to see how KAY Clubs across Kansas will participate in our fourth grant opportunity! Contact BetheSpark_KAY@hotmail.com for more information.



Be the spark

One of the Privileges of the Kansas Association for Youth is to live a healthy lifestyle.

We can inspire that healthy lifestyle in our schools and communities.

That’s why we love the Be the Spark campaign. We love showcasing how KAY Clubs have partnered with their schools and community to promote a healthy lifestyle for all ages.

Thank you to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas for your generosity and support!

idea Development Phase Dates, 2024-2025

  • Letter of Intent Due February 1, 2025

  • Grant Application Due March 1, 2025

  • Grant Recipients Announced, April 2025

  • Contracts Signed and Returned, May 2025

Sponsor session Handout

This is the handout provided at the sponsor session September 2024. Email any questions to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com.

Regional Conference Handout

This is the handout provided at the regional conferences Fall 2024 Email any questions to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com.

Letter of intent

Does your KAY Club plan to participate in Be The Spark? Let us know! Submit your Letter of Intent to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com by February 1, 2025.

Grant Application

We can’t wait to learn about your ideas! Submit your Be The Spark Grant Application to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com by March 1, 2025.

Grant Rubric

This is the rubric that our Be The Spark committee will use to review the grant applications. Use this as a resource to help. you complete the application. Email any questions to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com.

Letter of support Document

This is a document that you can use to have businesses, community partners, and/or school partners complete when filling out your grant application. Email any questions to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com.

Frequently asked questions

This is a great place to find resources to help you complete the application. Email any questions to bethespark_KAY@hotmail.com.

Implementation Phase Dates, 2025-2026

  • Quarterly Report, September 1, 2025

  • Quarterly Report, December 1, 2025

  • Quarterly Report, March 1, 2026

  • Final Report, May 1, 2026

Contact us.

Have questions on your Be The Spark journey? We’re here to help!

Funding for Be the Spark is being provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas. This program is administered by the Kansas Association for Youth Alumni Network, which is not affiliated in any way with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.